best of portal?!?!?!?
what the f$%# how and why is this in best of potal?? ive see way better score than this,this has a scroe of 0.63.
best of portal?!?!?!?
what the f$%# how and why is this in best of potal?? ive see way better score than this,this has a scroe of 0.63.
WOW you truely are a expert,this has the best anamation and graphics ive ever seen pleaze submit more!
good job Kol!!
ok what was all that about................
wow nice
crazy but it was realy good
nice frist try
it wasent all too good but i guss its not bad for a frist time
wtf was that.*looks at crashtockets profile*
good tutorial
finnaly :) ive been looking for a Blood & Gore Tutorial and you did it realy whell whith out it being borring or eney thing.
sonicXecution rulz
what the hell
argh my eyes they burn
well look at the title Crazy Ness but u cant cus ur eyes burn hahhaah my movie worked
holy sh*t this is funny
roling on the floor laghfing
Joined on 10/15/03